Promoting access through collaboration

15th March 2024

Global water solutions and technology company Xylem is undertaking a strategic collaboration partnership with the African Water and Sanitation Association (AfWASA) to help increase access to safe drinking water and sanitation solutions.

The two organisations have a memorandum of understanding (MoU), and highlight their unanimous commitment towards embarking on this initiative over the next three years. Xylem and AfWASA assert that their attention to pivotal water concerns is in accordance with the African Development Bank’s Africa Vision 2025 and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

“This partnership is designed to[hone in] on skills development in the water sector, particularly bolstering women, youth, rural communities, and entrepreneurs in the water and sanitation sector. Xylem and AfWASA will use their networks, collaborate in organising events and workshops, and collectively support water and sanitation services across Africa,” says AfWASA executive director Olivier Gosso.

He adds that the organisation supports leadership initiatives aimed at promoting the development of skills in the water and sanitation sector. He notes that the collaboration with Xylem will magnify the extent of water-related issues for its members through educational and networking events and training opportunities through internships.

Xylem and AfWASA seek to incorporate protective measures that give credence to their shared vision for safe and environment-friendly water. Xylem regional sales manager Simba Guindo highlights that the partnership can foster greater opportunities at bringing clean, reliable water and infrastructure solutions to where they are needed the most.

The impact of the MoU was scheduled to be addressed at this year’s twenty-second AfWASA International Congress, which was supposed to be held from February 18 to 22 in Conakry, Guinea, however, the meeting has been postponed until further notice.

Xylem strategy and marketing manager Chetan Mistry concludes that the

partnership will allow the companies to pool their global resources to bring innovative solutions to water challenges.