Patent issued for use of PGMs in lithium batteries

14th July 2021 By: Donna Slater - Features Deputy Editor and Chief Photographer

TSX- and NYSE-listed Platinum Group Metals (PTM) and its subsidiary Lion Battery Technologies reports that the US Patent and Trademark Office has issued a third patent to Florida International University (FIU) related to platinum group metals (PGMs) being used in lithium batteries.

Specifically, this third patent is related to PGMs being used in the next generation of lithium sulphur batteries.

PTM states that lithium sulphur batteries are well known to have the potential for a significant increase in power-to-weight ratios over traditional lithium-ion batteries, which have been popular in electric vehicle applications, such as those using nickel, manganese and cobalt cathodes.

Under a sponsored research agreement, Lion has exclusive rights to all technology being developed by FIU, including granted patents.

The new patent – titled Battery Cathodes for Improved Stability, with patent number US 11 038 160 B2 – covers a preparation method using PGM catalysts in carbon materials for use as cathodes with increased emphasis on lithium sulphur batteries.

The new patent broadens protection for US patent 10 734 636 B2 issued to FIU on August 4, 2020, covering the composition of carbon cathodes containing PGMs.

However, one of the challenges in lithium sulphur batteries is getting them to charge and discharge hundreds of times, as required in commercial settings.

Lion FIU project leader Dr Bilal El-Zahab says lithium sulphur batteries present twice the capacity retention after 100 cycles using PGMs versus the control group without PGMs.

“We have observed lithium sulphur batteries with cycling performance at nearly 300 cycles with greater than 70% capacity retention relative to the first cycle.”

He adds that Lion is still working on enhancing performance and is working towards more than 500 cycles from PGMs-containing lithium sulphur batteries.

Meanwhile, PTM reports that, in addition to the new patent, a further final patent application has also been filed for specific application of PGMs in most lithium batteries, including current lithium-ion chemistries.

In this regard, the miner notes that a PGMs-bearing separator is showing “good promise” to extend the life of a lithium metal anode, which for example, may enable weight savings by eliminating graphite at the anode.

PTM CEO Michael Jones says Lion’s patents and research work continue to show the potential of PGMs to improve the performance of lithium batteries.

“PGMs are well known to be good catalysts, encouraging reactions, and a little bit can go a long way.”

He adds that using PGMs to thrift out other costly and heavy battery components, while improving battery performance, is the focus of research going forward.