Northern Cape’s lucrative copper potential must be given all the assistance it needs

4th June 2021 By: Martin Creamer - Creamer Media Editor

Northern Cape’s lucrative copper potential must be  given all the assistance it needs

There is money lying around in South Africa because of the mining that has been done in this country over many years. A walk around the rock dumps at Nababeep, for example, has given rise to a copper venture that will be cash positive from its second month of operation.

News coming out regularly from the Northern Cape now is that there are two major nonferrous metal mining thrusts taking place, as well as the recovery of copper from the surface dumps. Post-Covid, the determination of the world to prevent the planet from over-heating is increasing demand for copper and South Africa needs to give every encouragement to those able to turn our copper endowment to account.

In just over two months, this calculation is expected to become a reality on a monthly basis: the 100 t of copper produced in the first month of operation will sell at $10 000/t, providing revenue of $1-million a month, against costs of $250 000 a month. The payback on the investment in the new plant that has been built plus the equipment will be covered in month one and there will be profit from month two, an amazingly quick return.