Mining Weekly is now available on your Smart Watch

12th June 2018

Mining Weekly is now available on your Smart Watch

Creamer Media’s Mining Weekly is now available on smart watches.  This enables readers to take a quick look at their watch in order to see the headlines and first paragraph of news stories as they break.

This smart watch functionality is available to all those who have the latest version of the Mining Weekly iPhone or Android App installed on their phones.

Once the latest version of the App is installed on your phone, it will automatically be available on your smart watch.  You simply tap on the Mining Weekly icon on your smart watch and you will see the 10 latest news stories. 

You can also set up your notifications settings on your phone so that news alerts from Mining Weekly pop up on your smart watch whenever they are sent out by our editors.  

Such news alerts will typically occur a couple of times each day and will feature the more important news breaks.  You will not receive such an alert every time an article is loaded onto Mining Weekly, so to read all 10 latest headlines and first paragraphs you will need to tap on the Mining Weekly icon on your smart watch.

For iPhone users get the latest version of the Mining Weekly iPhone App by clicking here.

For users of Android devices get the latest version of the Mining Weekly App by clicking here.

For more information or to advertise on the smart watch apps email