It’s critical that we get into critical minerals

9th February 2024 By: Martin Creamer - Creamer Media Editor

It’s critical that we get into critical minerals

By entering the critical minerals sector holistically and achieving a net-zero future at home, South Africans can meet the objectives of creating employment, reducing inequality and lessening poverty. Global jurisdictions that have drawn up critical minerals pathways plan to add the highest possible value to those critical minerals at home and we should do the same.

New technology permits this, even when volumes are relatively low. In addition, international trade and investment partnerships must be clinched. We are already seeing South Africa’s public and private sectors collaborate successfully on the energy and logistics fronts. They must now be made to collaborate on the green economy as well. Minerals Council South Africa and the Presidency must be made to draw up a mutual cooperation agreement that takes South Africa into a new golden age of critical mineral development and green business advancement.

A net-zero future has the potential to bear enormous amounts of economic fruit for all South Africans, while simultaneously protecting Mother Earth.