Iron-Ore 2020: A review of the iron-ore sector

26th June 2020 By: Creamer Media Reporter

Iron-Ore 2020: A review of the iron-ore sector

Relatively strong Chinese demand has been supporting iron-ore prices in 2020, which have been remarkably strong. However, the uncertainty surrounding other economies is increasing. With hardly any market left unaffected by the coronavirus pandemic, commodity markets are navigating through uncertain times.

Creamer Media’s Iron-Ore 2020 report provides an overview of the global iron-ore market, with particular emphasis on supply and demand, as well as trade and pricing. It also provides information on South Africa’s iron-ore market, its major producers and iron-ore export infrastructure, as well as an overview of the major global iron-ore producing companies and other significant producers.

This report draws from material published over the past 12 months and is a summary of other sources of information published in Engineering News and Mining Weekly, as well as of information available in the public domain.

This report does not purport to provide an analysis of market trends.