Coal 2017: A review of South Africa's coal sector

7th December 2017 By: Creamer Media Reporter

Coal 2017: A review of South Africa's coal sector

The South African mining industry has had a tough 2017 – a year of uncertainty and questions about the sustainability of the sector, as policy and regulatory concerns are stalling new investment.

A downturn in the global coal industry has also affected investment in South African coal mines, as many of the large producers and exporters have embarked on a global reassessment of their coal strategies. There is also investor pressure on companies holding significant carbon resources.

Creamer Media’s Coal 2017 report examines South Africa’s coal industry with regard to the business environment, the main participants, local demand, coal exports and coal logistics, projects being undertaken by the large and smaller participants, as well as various issues affecting the sector, including labour issues and environmental considerations.

This report draws from material published over the past 12 months and is a summary of other sources of information published in Engineering News and Mining Weekly, as well as of information available in the public domain.