WA’s EPA recommends conditional approval for new nickel mine

20th June 2016 By: Creamer Media Reporter

JOHANNESBURG (miningweekly.com) – The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) of Western Australia on Monday recommended that the Environment Minister approve the Wingellina nickel project, which ASX-listed Metals X was developing.

EPA chairperson Dr Ton Hatton said the mine’s proposal was assessed at a high level of environmental-impact assessment, with several environmental factors given particularly careful examination.

“In assessing the proposal, the EPA noted the proponent’s efforts to avoid and minimise environmental impacts by using best practice technology, dust suppression measures, minimising vegetation clearing footprints and preparing a mine closure plan, which addresses rehabilitation, stakeholder consultation and the decommissioning of mining infrastructure.”

Hatton said should the Minister approve the proposal, the EPA had recommended seven conditions, including one requiring a revised air quality management plan to minimise the impacts of atmospheric and particulate emissions and one to minimise impacts on a conservation-significant flora species of ground disturbing activities associated with the borefield and pipeline.

The Wingellina proposal was assessed as a public environmental review and was open to public submissions for eight weeks.

The new nickel mine was located near the borders of Western Australia, Northern Territory and South Australia in the Shire of Ngaanyatjarraku.