Phill LoFaso

10th February 2017 By: Martin Creamer - Creamer Media Editor

Phill LoFaso

Full Name: Phillip A LoFaso

Position: Director of marketing and public relations, Investing in African Mining Indaba

Main Activity of the Company: Creating and executing marketing plans, brand messaging and public relations towards the goal of generating delegate revenue for mining investment conferences

Date and Place of Birth: March 25, 1959, New York, US

Education: BA (psychology/marketing)

First Job: Marketing analyst, Chase Manhattan Bank

Size of First Pay Packet: No idea, but it was more than a 22-year-old needed

Value of Assets under Your Control: £2.5-million

Number of People under Your Leadership: Three employees

Management Style: Empower, yet hold accountable; supportive, as needed

Personal Best Achievement: Being a father and husband for 28 years; performing in front of 1 000 people

Person Who Has Had the Biggest Influence on Your Life: My mother – a beautiful power of example and unconditional love

Person Who Has Had the Biggest Influence on Your Career: William A Schlegel, my neighbour while I was growing up who hired me to cut his lawn at the age of 16, came to all my football games and then hired me for my first two major jobs after college. He challenged me to be better, taught me how to behave in a work setting and how to have fun at work

Person You Would Most Like to Meet: Bob Marley

Philosophy of Life: Live one day at a time, making the most of each in gratitude to God, and service to others

Biggest Ever Opportunity: Travel across America and Europe with friends in my early twenties

Biggest Ever Disappointment: Not having pursued my original career path in psychology

Hope for the Future: That my daughters find happiness in their chosen careers and that they find men who will love and protect them and treat them with respect

Favourite Reading: Washington Post, mysteries, the big book

Favourite TV Programme: All British police dramas

Favourite Food/Drink: Dominican food, Häagen-Dazs vanilla almond ice cream and diet Mountain Dew

Favourite Music: Reggae and folk rock

Favourite Sport: American football (NY Giants)

Hobbies: Songwriting and playing the guitar

Car: Toyota RAV-4

Pets: Leo, a small black Shorkie (Shitzu/Yorkshire terrier mix), and Elliot, a very large calico cat

Miscellaneous Dislikes: Thoughtless, selfish people; the current President of the US

Married: To Regina, an outstanding woman

Children: Cassidhe, 24; Madison 19

Clubs: None