Mr Business Executive, are you tired of NO from your IT Department?

13th March 2017

Mr Business Executive, are you tired of NO from your IT Department?

Digital transformation is accelerating the evolution of business activities; processes; competencies and models to fully leverage digital modernisation and impact across customers strategically. This enables innovation. In the business world, many organisations are bursting with great ideas and enthusiasm for digital services that could elevate the business from its peers, and provide customers with new and innovative solutions.

A study by IDC revealed that by the end of 2017, two-thirds of CEOs will have digital transformation at the core of their strategy.
A further study by the IDC firm shows that 70% of C-level and IT executives believe that implementing digital transformation will not be at a satisfactory pace.

Today however, the IT department has inadvertently become the inhibitor of innovation. They cite that digital transformation is a complex, costly and lengthy undertaking.

Why does the IT department say no?
The all-too-common story is that ideas get blocked by the IT department – held up in budget discussions, prioritisation challenges, overlypurist governance, risk and compliance policies, fears of knock-on regression effects into the rest of the legacy IT infrastructure, political turfwars, and other wranglings. The IT department has been instrumental in building the systems that have been at the core of the company, and are reluctant to undo the time, money and effort invested. But in today’s digital economy, these systems are clunky, impractical and typically organisational process rather than customer-centric.

The overwhelming result is “no”. NO new applications, NO thinking, NO innovation, NO progress.

How can the IT department say yes?
The IT department that has been supporting the legacy systems provides value that can be instrumental in the success of a digital transformation strategy. Their in-depth knowledge of the current system can be pivotal in unlocking digital transformation.

Furthermore, the IT department can leverage its existing skills to build new digital applications across new channels.