Mineral Regulatory Compliance Course

10th March 2015

The Professional Development Project of the Faculty of Law UCT, and Mineral Law in Africa in conjunction with The Mining Solution, are pleased to offer a course in Mineral Regulatory Compliance. On 20 - 24 July 2015.

Compliance as a concept has far more intrinsic value and benefit than mere avoidance of regulatory disciplinary action and penalties. By embracing a holistic compliance culture companies enhance the quality of business operations, thereby not only ensuring organisational success but also cultivating a meaningful relationship with their industry regulators. Compliance should no longer be viewed as a necessary evil, but rather as a very important tool in the pursuit of good governance.

During this course participants will be introduced to the central concepts of South African mineral regulatory compliance. They will be furnished with an in-depth knowledge of relevant legislation, policy and regulations. Participants will also be provided with a comprehensive understanding of the specific compliance obligations intrinsic to these legal documents. The course will culminate in a written assessment on the last day, with the presentation of a certificate of completion to successful candidates.

The course will be beneficial to anyone with an interest in the field, but will be of particular advantage to individuals who are active in the mining industry, and who are responsible for their respective organisations' regulatory compliance.

• History “Past to Present:” A historic South African perspective
• Legislative Framework
• Regulations
• Charter
• Codes of Good Practise

One one-hour assessment will be given on the first day to establish the level of knowledge among participants. This assessment will have no bearing on the final examination to be completed on the last day.

One two-hour exam on the last day of the course. A passing percentage for this exam is 75%.

Programme and venue information: 
Signing in will commence at 9:00 unless otherwise advised and each day will end at approximately 17:00.

Award of certificate:   
Everyone who obtains 75% and above for the two-hour exam on the last day of the course will be awarded a UCT certificate of completion. All other participants will receive a certificate of attendance, if they attend a minimum of 80% of the lectures.

Course fee:    
R15,000 per delegate. Includes course materials, parking, teas, lunches for the week.

Closing date for registration: 
One week prior to the course.

Registration and enquiries:                      
To book a place on our course or for more information, please visit our website www.lawatwork.uct.ac.za or email andrea.blaauw@uct.ac.za