Global Gold

28th June 2019

Global Gold

Global Gold is a proudly South African company that focuses on beneficiating and distributing Africa’s precious and non-precious metals.

Established in 1992, most of Global Gold’s highly skilled workforce have worked for the company for over 20 years.

Global Gold aims to create a synergetic business relationship with the communities in which it operates, by creating wealth and sustainable job opportunities.

The company manufactures and distributes the most comprehensive range of highest-quality coins, jewellery and corporate supplies to the government and private sectors.

Global Gold offers the following services:  

Medallions and Coins

Medals and coins are used in a variety of ways, such as a form of recognition or award for a person or organisation; or to commemorate particular individuals or events. 

Medallions or coins can be sculpted into any shape and are then cast and rendered with an insignia, portrait, or other artistic impression. 

Global Gold designs and manufactures medals, coins and medallions to suit a range of budgets and specifications, using a variety of materials, including: