Creamer Media publishes Diamonds 2014: A review of Southern Africa's diamond sector research report

17th November 2014

Creamer Media publishes Diamonds 2014: A review of Southern Africa's diamond sector research report

In line with other luxury products, the diamond industry was severely affected by the global recession of 2008/9 and although prices quickly recovered, the industry was in for a rollercoaster ride over the following years, as 2011’s European sovereign crisis threatened to erase gains. However, diamond prices have since returned to their prerecession levels. It is estimated that diamond prices have gained between 5% and 10% in 2014 and are expected to rise further in 2015.

The diamond market is expected to be in balance in the medium term, but analysts are warning that a supply cliff is looming.

This report discusses the world diamond market, with a particular emphasis on diamond-mining activities taking place in Southern Africa over the past 12 months, and provides information on key companies, operations and projects.

The report is a summary of information published in Creamer Media's Engineering News and Mining Weekly, as well as information available in the public domain and does not purport to provide analysis of market trends.

To purchase a copy of the report, click here.