Charles Fourie

1st September 2017 By: Ilan Solomons - Creamer Media Staff Writer

Charles Fourie

Full Name: Charles Henry Fourie

Position: CEO of Quaestec Gold Africa

Main activity of the Company: Mineral resource development

Date Place of Birth: August 16, 1957, South Africa

Education: BSc (geology), MBA

First Job: Coal mine owner

Size of First Pay Packet: R850 a month

Value of Assets under Your Control: $43-million

Number of People under Your Leadership: 650 employees

Management Style: Situational/matrix

Personal Best Achievement: Love of life

Person Who Has Had the Biggest Influence on Your Life: Dr Otto Papendorf, Sam Tolmay, Professor Chris Roering, Professor Willem van Biljon

Person Who Has Had the Biggest Influence on Your Career: Sam Tolmay, Dr Otto Papendorf

Person You Would Most Like to Meet: The Dalai Lama

Businessperson Who Has Impressed You the Most: Bill Gates

Philosophy of Life: Aquila non capitat muscas

Biggest Opportunity Ever: Chad mineral resource development

Biggest Disappointment Ever: Involvement of the NG Church in mining rights

Hope for the Future: Education, tolerance and respect

Favourite Reading: None

Favourite TV Programme: None

Favourite Food/Drink: French food

Favourite Music: Brandenburg Concertos by Johan Sebastian Bach

Favourite Sport: None

Favourite Hobbies: Mining and water

Car: Volvo

Pets: Boston terrier, Yorkshire terrier

Miscellaneous Dislikes: Bad manners, incompetence

Married: No

Children: Charles, Inge

Clubs: None